Holiday Survival Guide: Don't Drive on Empty

What is the #1 thing you can do now to make sure you don’t turn into an emotional puddle for the holidays?

Self care, naturally.

I know you just made a face at that. I don’t even need to see your face to know your face.


Your ability to deal is not static. The amount of emotional reserve you have makes or breaks you, literally.

If you never fill the gas tank your car is going to break down. I know you know where I am going with this. Your ability to emotionally deal uses emotional reserve. If you don’t fill that tank- you guessed it. You are going to break down. My guess is that it’s happened to you before (because it has happened to all of us- probably several times)

So what is your ratio?

I want to know. Or, more specifically: I want you to know.

How often do you pull from your emotional reservoir in a day? Now- how many times do you put back into your emotional reservoir? There you have it, your ratio.

Draws to Refills

Don’t Have the Time for Self Care?

Know this: you are the only one that can refill your tank and if you don’t you’re setting yourself up for a really bad time. Find little things you can do here an there as you go through your day and build them into your routine.

Everyone is going to have something that works different for them. Think of things that might work for you and do a few of them for 15 minutes a day. I know it is a trope but go back to your ratio and decide for yourself if it needs tweaking.
